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Old 10-14-2005, 06:33 AM   #35
Not like them!
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Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
Are you sure? I mean, Beyond Good & Evil made a lot of sense to me. Or maybe I'm way ahead of my time. Am I making sense to you?
Yes. Anyone who has played BG&E, understood why it can switch between so many different, well-developed types of gameplay without the player minding, internalized the new concepts it brought to the table, and recognized the significance and wider implications of these concepts is way ahead of his time. Essentially what Ancel is doing is using these various full-fledged Forms as if they are no more than colors on a palette he is painting with. This flies in the face of all conventional thinking about art! Since videogames are still only beginning to gain respectability, and artists in general find it beneath them, the world at large is not yet ready for the concepts this game introduces.
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