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Old 04-06-2005, 11:45 PM   #13
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Default Well, maybe...

Originally Posted by Ninth
As far as I'm concerned, the ending of BM was just fine.
It didn't leave any questions unanswered but one : who killed Sir William...Or Sir William was killed by the demon, in a demonic form. Or he killed himself, which is more likely.
After watching the opening and closing cutscenes again, I decided that the best hypothesis is this: the demon/curse unleashed by Marcus's brother (Mordred was it?) approached William in order to possess him and make him 'convert the souls of five mortals' and all that. William wrote "I sense my end is near" -he was nearing the truth and feared that he would be too weak to confront it. So, when the truth about his family became clear to him, he jumped. Yes, I believe that William took his own life before he became victim to his family's curse/demon. There was no James Bond climbing that tower. It was the truth he feared he'd find. It found him, instead.
Now, Samuel, the last man standing, the only one left who could carry on the curse. Of course there were also Robert, Richard and James, but none of them apparently had the mental potential nor curiosity to fall into the demon's clutches. Samuel on the other hand was young, clever, and passioned -possessed one would say, to find the truth about his dear grandfather's death and the truth about his family. Just like William.
In the end, if you watch the two cutscenes and compare them, you'll find a 'circlular' pattern: it ends as it begun. Samuel throws himself over the same tower as his grandfather did, only the spectator's angle is different now. Because now we know why William had to die, or kill himself. And we understand it now: it had to be that way. But Samuel accomplished one more thing, the one that William failed to: he closed the portal, he once and for all abolished the curse and purified his family's carma.


Last edited by valliant; 04-06-2005 at 11:52 PM.
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