Thread: Frenchy topic
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Old 09-29-2005, 08:50 AM   #4
David Cage
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 62
Default David Cage's Answer

- is the play inspired by a particular film?
No, not really, but a lot of films inspired me.

- did A how much expemplaire espereiez to sell Fahrenheit to you before his launching?
Adventure has always been seen as a niche market. I guess that very few sold more than 200 000 copies. I can already tell that Fahrenheit will be very far above this figure. The game is on its way to demonstrate that storytelling can sell, which is something that absolutely no one believed before.

- Why Fahrenheit in Europe and Indigo Prophecy with the US one?
The choice was made by Atari. I guess they were scared of the link with Fahrenheit 9/11 in the US.
The original title, the one I chose, is Fahrenheit.

- Prevoyez you a patch with possible new contents?
Not at the moment.

- Much of players (of which me) think that there is average to do better on the level gameplay during the action... the interface flashy of the millieu of the screen obstructs a little (version PC) the ideal would be an "instinctive" system without interface but difficult A to set up
Did you notice that you can move the symbols to the lowest part of the screen in the option menu?

Once you get used to the system, you can see the symbols while looking at the background. This system is just a first step towards a generic interface allowing to have any kind of action sequences in the game with a totally free camera. It is certainly not perfect by any mean, but it offers a first solution (a lot of gamers really enjoyed them). We will definitely explore other possibilities in our next interactive drama title.

What do you think about it?

- Y a-til a continuation of prevue or a completely new project?
I definitely want to continue exploring this new interactive format we have created with Indigo Prophecy. But I don't want to make just a sequel. So expect to be surprised.

- is Agatha a IA since the beginning?
No. She is an AI until she was killed.

- Esc this which one will have one day a chance to see possible modifications (mods) players wanting to improve gameplay-to change it the history? (mini SDK)
Why not?..
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